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Terms & Conditions

Utilizing the Website

You accept all responsibility & risk for your use of the Easy Soft website ("Website"), including any services or information found within, & by using the website, you agree to the terms & conditions listed below (the "Terms"). You should quit using this website right now if you disagree with its terms of service.
By using this website, you agree that Easy Soft is under no obligation to notify you of any changes in before or after the fact. This includes the content of this page & these Terms. It is the responsibility of each user to regularly examine this website for updates to the Terms & content. If the Terms or the website's content are modified, your continuing use of the website will be interpreted as your acceptance of the changes.
You acknowledge that by using this website, you will only utilize its services & material for legitimate reasons. 

By using this website, you agree to not utilizing any of its services or material for any commercial endeavors without Easy Soft's express written consent. Easy Soft members who are presently in good standing are allowed conditional exclusions for the commercial use of this website; for more details, please refer to the membership conditions of Easy Soft.

Account on Easy Soft Website

To fully use the services & material offered by this Website, a user account on the Easy Soft Website is required. Having a user account on our website does not signify becoming a member of Easy Soft. You are not automatically a member of Easy Soft just because you have a valid & active user account on our website. However, your user account may reflect any official membership status from Easy Soft.
By creating a user account on the website, you consent to provide truthful information about yourself & only information that is relevant to the registration process. It is forbidden to try to take on a party you are not legally allowed to represent by providing Easy Soft with misleading information or information about third parties. Additionally, you are not permitted to use another party's account or let another party to use your account in order to access any services or content that calls for a user account.
You agree to accept full responsibility for any actions that take place on or through your account when you register for a user account on the website. You must consequently take great care to protect the information associated with your account. Any security breach involving your account, including having your password stolen, has to be notified to Easy Soft very soon. AntiVirusSales maintains the right, in its own right, to immediately terminate (ban, delete, etc.) your user account for any reason specified in these Terms or for no reason at all.
You acknowledge that you do not really own your account or any part of this website by creating a user account on this website. Easy Soft retains the right, at its own risk & without prior notice, to delete any and all content provided via your account (including the account itself) for any reason, including troublemaking, breaking US, international law, or violating these Terms. Easy Soft maintains the right to permanently limit or prevent access to the Website or a user account & takes no obligation for any material or service deleted from our site, whether originating from Easy Soft or a user account on the Website. By using this website, you acknowledge that Easy Soft will not be liable to you if it, its contents, or its services are stopped for you or anyone else.

Ownership of Intellectual Property & Content on Websites

This website's content and intellectual property are owned by Easy Soft or licensed by Easy Soft, & they are protected by Canadian & international legal rights. Information, data, pictures, videos, logos, industrial designs, service marks, trademarks, & other materials and services both copyrighted and not are all considered forms of content.
"Easy Soft" is the owner of all related trademarks, service marks, ownership designations, & logos. Such marks may not be utilized without Easy Soft's express written consent. Easy Soft's trademarks may not be combined or altered in any way to associate them with those of another party or to suggest a connection between Easy Soft & the other party. The owners of any other trademarks, logos, or slogans that appear on this website that are not owned by "Easy Soft" are the rightful owners of such marks, &  they may or may not be associated with, linked to, or accepted by "Easy Soft."
Without Easy Soft' express written consent, none of the material on this website may be copied, downloaded, screen captured, shared, published, or otherwise transmitted in any way. Unauthorized use of material from the Easy Soft website may be illegal in Canada or elsewhere, punishable by both criminal & civil penalties. You do not gain or get any license, right, or permission to use or create further copies of any material on the Easy Soft website by accessing this website, whether indicated on it or not. Without express written permission from Easy Soft, you agree not to display or use any material from the Easy Soft website in any way, including but not limited to for commercial purposes.

Contributions by Users

You agree not to submit any content that is unlawful, pornographic, vulgar (directly or indirectly through partially obscured words, letters, phrases, terminology, or similar wording), threatening, defamatory, criticizing, or otherwise harmful to Easy Soft or third parties by submitting content for display on the Easy Soft Website. Without express written consent from Easy Soft, no commercial transaction may be made on the Easy Soft website.
You also commit to upholding the dignity and right to privacy of others, & not exposing private or sensitive information about them. Furthermore, you agree that, regardless of the purpose or message of the activity or content, you will not submit any materials that include or are designed to support, spread, or otherwise promote harmful software code, including unlawful electronic mass mailing, or "spam". Submission of content to Easy Soft is prohibited, much as with Website User Accounts, from attempting to falsely claim affiliation or status with Easy Soft or any third party, nor from impersonating any Easy Soft employees or third parties.
All content you provide to Easy Soft becomes Easy Soft property, & Easy Soft is under no obligation to give you credit for your contribution. By signing this agreement, you give Easy Soft the non-exclusive, royalty-free, everlasting, permanent, fully transferable, & attributed right to use, edit, modify, adapt, translate, edit & reformate any content in which you might still be regarded to be the owner for any reason, anywhere in the world, including into forms that might be considered advertising.
You acknowledge & agree that any information you send to Easy Soft in any way will not be considered proprietary or confidential. This includes using this website, making an account on the Easy Soft website & posting or submitting content in any other way.
You acknowledge & consent that you will not submit any ideas, materials, thoughts, or creative recommendations for brand-new, altered, or unique goods or services to this website. If you don't follow, Easy Soft will be assumed to own the submitted item in its whole, together with all related rights and privileges, without paying you anything. Easy Soft disclaims any ownership over the public distribution of unapproved content or its use for any other purpose, including commercial gain.


We want to bring you accurate & current information here at easysoftllc.com . A wide range of security items from trustworthy suppliers connected to respectable companies are available on our website. It is important to make clear that we do not directly offer any products or services; rather, we function as an independent e-commerce platform.We carefully follow the FTC's Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule as part of our commitment to protecting our customers. We further stress that you may buy the antivirus software that is available on our platform straight from the official websites of the respective companies. Our website provides purchasers with full knowledge into our functioning by directly describing our regulations about purchases & refunds. This ensures honesty.The security & dependability of their purchasing experiences are our top priorities at easysoftllc.com, especially when it comes to security software. We welcome clients to contact us with any questions or issues they may be having since we are committed to offering help & support.

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